Thursday 1 March 2012

The most popular Chinese dish among all foreigners!

Hey everyone,

As this is the first post about Chinese dish, I'm gonna start by introducing you the most popular dish among all foreigners, Gong Bao Chicken(also known as Kung Pao Chicken)! It has been voted in almost every ranking as the most welcomed and loved Chinese dish by foreigners. Do you want to know how to make the real Gong Bao Chicken? Stay tuned! :)

Before I start, let me just tempt you with a beautiful picture of Gong Bao Chicken:

What you need as ingredients:
  • Most importantly, you will need chicken, apprantly :) Well, it can be either chicken thigh or breast, 400g.
  • 3 spring onion, 5 dried red chili peppers, 15 pepper (preferably Sichuan-pepper), a few peanuts and some ginger

The sauce:

Sauce A: 2 spoon dark soy sauce, 1.5 spoon rice vinegar, suger 30g
Sauce B: 1 spoon water, 1.5 spoon cooking wine, flour 15g.

  • Cut the chicken into small pieces, mix them with 7g flour, 1 spoon light soy sauce and 1/2 cooking wine, for 20 minutes.

  • Heat the wok, pour some oil and fry the peanuts. Be careful not to over-fry them!

  • Pour some oil again in the wok, slide the chicken, fry them until they turn white. Remove the chicken from the wok to a plate.

  • Add some oil again and peppers in the wok, dry them until they turn black and give a strong smell. Remove the peppers.

  • Add the oinion, ginger and chili peppers, fry until they smell good and then add chicken

  • Add sauce A, mix them. Add one spoon dark soy sauce to give the dish a nice colour. Then add sauce B and the peanuts, give them a stir and we're done! Enjoy! 

                                                   (retrieved from


  1. I thought Peking Duck was the most popular....

    1. Haha, well Peking Duck is generally not considered as a propor "dish"in China, rather more like a "tourist attraction" :D
